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Photo: André Padua

Nature Photography is for me, a way of communicating a personal moment; An experience. When I click the shutter, that moment is suspended in time; Captured to be experienced as many times as you want. That moment includes not only the visual aspects of the scene, but also the textures, the feelings, the memories, the smells, the sounds, the temperature of the air or the water, the animals that share that space with me as a photographer, and conform what I seek to share.

About me

Welcome!! I am Julio, a nature photographer, specialized in both underwater and landscape photography. I live in Córdoba, a city in the middle of the República Argentina. I hold a Systems Engineering Degree and a Master Diver instructor certification, in addition to be a Trimix Technical Diver, a Yacht master Coastal and an amateur rock climber.

I am Lead Designer and Art Director of the Trim Digital Underwater Magazine, where I do not only curate the collections published on each issue, but also assist the contributors photographers in improving the original edition if needed.

Back in the day, I started taking pictures with a Canon film camera, which I still keeps and use from time to time to remember the basis and limits of only 36 shots!. I started as a self-taught photographer and years later, he joined the Kandinsky Design Institute to complement my learning.

What motivate me is constant change while keeping my basis unaltered. Sharing the wonders of nature, the diversity and amazing interactions has always been one of my life goals, but at the same time I feel a strong responsibility in raising the awareness of the delicate equilibrium in which we live, and how human activity keeps jeopardizing the very same ecosystems our own existence depends on.

I believe my style is unique and it is inspired on the contradictions that fill my life: I am an engineer (who fights for geometrical perfection) but I am also a pianist and a photographer (who enjoys subtleness, harmonies… dissonances). My work ranges from underwater photography down to 80 m / 240 ft. deep, up to the heights of the mountains. I think my art has a powerful message about the Mother Earth’s wonders we need to protect!

Even though today I work as a full time engineer, I spend any spare time and vacations to go out to the world to capture light, either above or under the water. I hope that one day my dream of being a full time nature photographer comes true. Just in case, I am always ready to travel to any part of the world and I keep my passport ready!!

Thank you for stopping by and taking a look at my work!

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For any inquires such as ordering prints, collaborating, licensing,  etc. please Contact Me.

Photos: Daniel Battistelli, Enrique Amigó, Diego R. Gimenez, Carlos Martinez, Alicia Bobone

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